Spent last nite in the trustworthy hands of Vic, learning my way around photoshop! Thanks again, it all makes sense now, all this dodging and burning business LOL!
So I have decided to make a watermark to throw over my pics. So inspired by stencil and street art here it is:
And here is an example of it being put to good use. Even with a model standing on it and pointing it out in the chance you can't find it. Blurred faces have been used to protect the innocent and their silly antics.

And a few techinical specs for the people who are interested (Vic & Liz), I desaturated the original image, played with contrast and brightness to get the full black and white effect happening, added the crown that Vic prepared for me earlier lol, added some text and a speecho bubble and wah-LA! Slapped it on the pic using the multiply effect ;) Opacity is at ~40%, wanted to go less but its hard to make out on the grey sandy background. So I guess will have to change it all the time depending on the background of the photo. Started the watermark this morning and its finished as of 5.30pm! Using everything I learnt last nite :) Not a bad effort for a nooooooob who didn't know how to crop 2 days ago!
Hahaha... I think it's kinda obvious who the so called "innocent" are.
Good job on the water mark King Dave.
I love your watermark... good job Vic and Dave.
Your first photoshop adjustment is BLUR?????? Not to mention a smudge blur. COME ON! Don't disappoint Vic, you are his prodigy... BLUR BLARRR.
Yeah Dave... what you do is a reflection of Vic's teachings. Shame shame haha
OHHH man the pressure !!
On my defence it is gaussian blur! And its not my first effect either lol
p.s did you like the email trang? and it was an email to uphold the unwritten rules of blog etiquette haha
ahhhh~ so it is... sori didn't see tha FULL version
Hey I didn't notice this the first time I looked cuz I was in a rush to go shower...
I really like the last paragraph breaking down exactly what you did... although I don't understand it I'm sure there will be those out there who'll stumble on your blog and appreciate it. T'is very cool. Keep it up =)
p.s Yes I did like the email. I loled out loud.
But you did forget to uphold one important rule which shall not be discussed publicly. View email.
yeh dave! the important rule.
i never knew that the king was actually u dave haha. make me lol.
Now that you've got photoshop down i wonder how you'll use it to hone your skills...
Good luck, and if you want to run through photoshop again just ask! =3
Hahaha... ask so that you can grill him and make him do unexpected examinations? I don't think so hahah
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