Was majorly bored out of my brain the other day so I played with this photo. Had to take out all the distractions in the photo to keep the main focus on the clock tower. Took me ages cos of the, random tram lines all over the place as well as street lamps etc etc.

Kind of a different edit for me, never really done any heavy effects. Couldn't decide between two versions that I liked, which one you guys like better?
1st one has more detail
2nd is a nice simplistic version
To hell with simplicity... i like detailed complicated messy stuff.. first pic it is for me.
You did a really good job though I remember going through your cam that night. Don't remember this pic standing out at all but look at it now. Noice!
P.S Take me to pole dancing more often.
HAHA you need to practice !!
haha i love where you placed your watermark... its like a comic... and your on the top of the tower advertising yourself....
shameless product placement and cross promotion!
5 past 9 is shiftyshutters time yo!
haha i love it!
second one it is for me. i think although it's simple it's got more characteristics and can be self expressive.
love the shameless self promo too :)
haha your the first mai that likes the second.
personally i like the simplicity of the second one :)
The high contrast of the first picture gets me, although i do like the second too in that the colours complement each other well, but there's too much background that could be cropped off. Off hand i would prefer the first but if you cropped the second i would like it more than the first.
Btw isn’t the red light smudge down in the left corner, in the first pic a little out of place? Or is it meant to be like that?
Didn't want to crop the second too much. Wanted to have the image centered in black, if that makes sense.
Oh and the red in the first is a tail light blur that I wanted to keep in there :P
btw thanks for the constructive crit. vic
actually took your advice vic and cropped the 2nd pic down. I think it looks a little neater now
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