Here are a few pics taken when playing with shutter speeds /exposures taken in low
light. I like this one because it hasn't been edited at all its a RAW straight from the camera !! Pic was exposured for 15 seconds, f/20, ISO 400, @34mm.
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Dude!! You have to tell people the location.
Did you lie flat on the ground to get that first pic? Suffering for your art already?
Maybe I don't want to reveal the secret location lol
Nah it was on Chapel or Bridge road one of them.
Didn't lie on the ground I used a pro technique to help me shoot low called 'putting your camera on the ground' LOL can't afford a reversible tripod yet
Though highly inappropriate i just realised there's and adult shop in your second photo… and the title of this entry adds to the impact too... NICE!
Just realised I never properly commented… for the second one there’s too much light and it deters the attention a little. I like the cropping done for the first picture, it really activates the light streaks; sharpness of the ground really adds to the image too.
i loved these photos... i only wished there were more cars going in all direction... but then there would be car accidents..... but artistic accidents....
these pictures remind me of the spice girl music video (2 become 1)
Be a little bit wiser baby, put it on, put it on
'Cause tonight is the night when two become one
could i make a request!
photo shop that elite clothing alterations and put "atler it" intstead lol
and change the phone number to 98036914
just like your missus lol
you guys are SHAMELESS !
but ill do one better and ALter It can advertise on my blog lol. Ill give you a banner down the side lol
But I get $5 per click muahahah
oh man. drew and trang so shameless. i wouldn't be surprised if eden became an adult film star. NO SHAME IN THE FAMILY! lol.
i joke i joke. sif she'd ever be one. she'd needs boobs first ;)
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