My mum walked past my comp when I had this pic up, so I showed her some of the other finished pics but said she liked this one the best because its 'nature' and not a building lol. Thought I'd throw it up to remind us of the nicer weather we once had :P This pic would be impossible to get in the last few days not cos the wind would blow the droplet but cos the wind would uproot the tree and send it onto the neighbors roof.
Oh and a quick quiz for Trang, do you know where this was taken?
what are you laughing and oops-ing about?
Hahahha outside my place!! The day where I thought you left half an hour ago only to have your bald head appear outside my window while I was studying. Scared the hell out of me.
Hahaha *accidentally pressed send*
*re typed oops*
u reply so quick.
Waaa conversation via comment. Dave sits in front of his comp waiting for a comment.
Yeah! I was taking photos for a while LOL
I just happened to be online and I get email notifications that pop up and make an annoying sound lol
So defensive. It's okay, it was a joke. It's okay to be waiting for comments.
awww i miss u guys already :(
you have just had recent occurances... i expect a venting update!
LOL nah
this is a blog for my photos
take a photo of u fine!
hey ur steak post wasn't picture-related! sure it may have had pictures to accompany but not based.
There’s just always something better about natural stuff than the man made. Nice work, this would work well for a screen saver or desktop…
my mum said to put it on a calander lols
LoL the mother is so supportive haha
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