My mum walked past my comp when I had this pic up, so I showed her some of the other finished pics but said she liked this one the best because its 'nature' and not a building lol. Thought I'd throw it up to remind us of the nicer weather we once had :P This pic would be impossible to get in the last few days not cos the wind would blow the droplet but cos the wind would uproot the tree and send it onto the neighbors roof.
Oh and a quick quiz for Trang, do you know where this was taken?
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The Days When We Had Sunshine
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My mum walked past my comp when I had this pic up, so I showed her some of the other finished pics but said she liked this one the best because its 'nature' and not a building lol. Thought I'd throw it up to remind us of the nicer weather we once had :P This pic would be impossible to get in the last few days not cos the wind would blow the droplet but cos the wind would uproot the tree and send it onto the neighbors roof.
Oh and a quick quiz for Trang, do you know where this was taken?

Was majorly bored out of my brain the other day so I played with this photo. Had to take out all the distractions in the photo to keep the main focus on the clock tower. Took me ages cos of the, random tram lines all over the place as well as street lamps etc etc.

Kind of a different edit for me, never really done any heavy effects. Couldn't decide between two versions that I liked, which one you guys like better?
1st one has more detail
2nd is a nice simplistic version
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5 past 9
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Was majorly bored out of my brain the other day so I played with this photo. Had to take out all the distractions in the photo to keep the main focus on the clock tower. Took me ages cos of the, random tram lines all over the place as well as street lamps etc etc.

Kind of a different edit for me, never really done any heavy effects. Couldn't decide between two versions that I liked, which one you guys like better?
1st one has more detail
2nd is a nice simplistic version

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Here are a few pics taken when playing with shutter speeds /exposures taken in low
light. I like this one because it hasn't been edited at all its a RAW straight from the camera !! Pic was exposured for 15 seconds, f/20, ISO 400, @34mm.

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Random Pic
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Yesterday went with the parents to check out CostCo. Its basically a warehouse that sells everything, think of it as Coles x Harvey Norma x Bunnings x Target and its cheaper cos you buy stuff in bulk. Saw some pizzas they make onsite behind the glass then pack to be sold whch was pretty cool. So my aunty picked up some today, they are a massive 16 inchs which is bigger then the size of most of the standard wheels you guys have on your cars lol
Check out the margarine as a point of refernce lol.

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To Steak Or Not To Steak
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In our minds the steaks looked like that,
But this is what they looked like in reality:
So last night we were going to head to St Kilda for $10 Steaks. In short it didn't happen because of these catastrophic events:
-Liz called me and said get ready ill pick you up at 6pm
-Trang likes to sleep at till 5-5.30pm
-Trang likes to shower at 6pm
-Trang and Liz didn't factor in that it takes about 35mins to get to St Kilda
-Trang had pole at 8.30pm
-Trang and liz didn't factor in that it takes another 15ish mins to get from St Kilda to Trangs pole place
-We left at 6.35pm
-That gives us about 45 mins to eat
-Trang assures us that we can eat in that time BUT wait theres more she failed to account for the approx 20mins to order and cook the food
-25 mins to eat FAIL!
Settled on having grilled for din din which is still cool, but still its not $10 steaks lol
End rant.

Spent last nite in the trustworthy hands of Vic, learning my way around photoshop! Thanks again, it all makes sense now, all this dodging and burning business LOL!
So I have decided to make a watermark to throw over my pics. So inspired by stencil and street art here it is:
And here is an example of it being put to good use. Even with a model standing on it and pointing it out in the chance you can't find it. Blurred faces have been used to protect the innocent and their silly antics.

And a few techinical specs for the people who are interested (Vic & Liz), I desaturated the original image, played with contrast and brightness to get the full black and white effect happening, added the crown that Vic prepared for me earlier lol, added some text and a speecho bubble and wah-LA! Slapped it on the pic using the multiply effect ;) Opacity is at ~40%, wanted to go less but its hard to make out on the grey sandy background. So I guess will have to change it all the time depending on the background of the photo. Started the watermark this morning and its finished as of 5.30pm! Using everything I learnt last nite :) Not a bad effort for a nooooooob who didn't know how to crop 2 days ago!
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From Noob to Watermark King, No Pun Intended
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Spent last nite in the trustworthy hands of Vic, learning my way around photoshop! Thanks again, it all makes sense now, all this dodging and burning business LOL!
So I have decided to make a watermark to throw over my pics. So inspired by stencil and street art here it is:
And here is an example of it being put to good use. Even with a model standing on it and pointing it out in the chance you can't find it. Blurred faces have been used to protect the innocent and their silly antics.

And a few techinical specs for the people who are interested (Vic & Liz), I desaturated the original image, played with contrast and brightness to get the full black and white effect happening, added the crown that Vic prepared for me earlier lol, added some text and a speecho bubble and wah-LA! Slapped it on the pic using the multiply effect ;) Opacity is at ~40%, wanted to go less but its hard to make out on the grey sandy background. So I guess will have to change it all the time depending on the background of the photo. Started the watermark this morning and its finished as of 5.30pm! Using everything I learnt last nite :) Not a bad effort for a nooooooob who didn't know how to crop 2 days ago!

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The Old Tree
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So I found out that Trang made me a blog. She keeps nagging me to upload photos. Well here is the first one that I am happy with :)
Thanks to Ben-ja-mima and Pb for the help.
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