Just thinking about it now I have been out at least once a week to take photos. Pretty good going consistently learn heaps and keeps the skills sharp.

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NGV HDR styles
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This pic is from the Bulla Rd exit while we wanted for Lee to finish training and meet up with us. ISO200, f/13, 25sec @26mm

This area was a shipping port. A security gaurd spotted us (three shifty looking characters with tripods) and called another security guy who came down in a van that looked like and ambulance lol. He told us we were on private property which was a load of shit cos we were on a public road looking through the fence. We were on the correct side of the fence cos the other side of the fence has $5000 admission fee (trespassing fine) if caught. He went on to say blah blah you cant be here, blah blahh I should confiscate your cameras blah Australian customs would be all over your ass's blah blah I should call the police blah. Finished my can of V and we left. Ended up here:
...and again!
Then went to an old spot where we used to go when I still had the 180sx

Love how HDR allows details in highlighted and shadow areas to show through. Love the detail of the rust.

Another HDR..
..and another. We fought for the pic of the dead star fish as it started to rain and we needed the shot before we ran for cover to the car. All three of us were there with tripods in about a 1m^2 area, was pretty funny.. was yelling "BEN! get your tripod out of my frame!!!" and was yelling at Lee "Oi stop lighting up my photo!!" he was using auto timer where there is a warning light flashing every second LOL good times:)
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Random Shoot
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Friday night got home from work and had no money to go out and was bored. So decided to go on a random shoot with Ben and Lee. Lee's blog is here: http://leeodon.blogspot.com/ . Was a cold night and we were out till 3-4am and now im sick which sucks balls but I guess its what we do for what we love. Here are the results

This pic is from the Bulla Rd exit while we wanted for Lee to finish training and meet up with us. ISO200, f/13, 25sec @26mm

This area was a shipping port. A security gaurd spotted us (three shifty looking characters with tripods) and called another security guy who came down in a van that looked like and ambulance lol. He told us we were on private property which was a load of shit cos we were on a public road looking through the fence. We were on the correct side of the fence cos the other side of the fence has $5000 admission fee (trespassing fine) if caught. He went on to say blah blah you cant be here, blah blahh I should confiscate your cameras blah Australian customs would be all over your ass's blah blah I should call the police blah. Finished my can of V and we left. Ended up here:

Then went to an old spot where we used to go when I still had the 180sx

Love how HDR allows details in highlighted and shadow areas to show through. Love the detail of the rust.

Another HDR..


Earlier last week I got the opportunity to do my first ever paid work! Was tagging along with Ben just to learn and gain some experience but getting a bit of cashola on the side was a bonus. Me and Ben shot the Keilor Hotel where the photos will be used for advertising and promotional purpose such as brochures, menus and on their website. We started shooting outside where it was windy and overcast meaning the clouds constantly covering and opening up made it difficult as we were constantly changing settings. After getting comfortable with the conditions we started getting more consistent shots.
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Keilor Hotel Shoot
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Earlier last week I got the opportunity to do my first ever paid work! Was tagging along with Ben just to learn and gain some experience but getting a bit of cashola on the side was a bonus. Me and Ben shot the Keilor Hotel where the photos will be used for advertising and promotional purpose such as brochures, menus and on their website. We started shooting outside where it was windy and overcast meaning the clouds constantly covering and opening up made it difficult as we were constantly changing settings. After getting comfortable with the conditions we started getting more consistent shots.

Established 1849

Sun came out for the marquee shot which was nice. They are gonna build a Chapel out the back so you can get married after you get blind drunk lol. Here is Ben's handy work, first 2 pages of the menu with a selection of our photos on the second

Also scored free lunch which was the perfect chance to go all out agree? lol Rib eye with garlic prawns ...why not?! Might be shooting closeups of food soon too so stay tuned for that.
Thanks Ben for the gig =]

Also scored free lunch which was the perfect chance to go all out agree? lol Rib eye with garlic prawns ...why not?! Might be shooting closeups of food soon too so stay tuned for that.
Thanks Ben for the gig =]
Have been reading up and teaching myself HDR Photography. It stands for High Dynamic Range and involves taking a series of photos at bracketed exposures and combining them. The technique essentially lets you get a photo that covers a larger range of exposures and lets you capture details in shadows and highlighted areas. Here are my first 2 attempts:
Here is the sunset of the same day:

And to give you and idea of what I'm on about these are the three images used to make the HDR shot above:
The sunset pic was funny. I've been waiting for a cloudy / overcast day so that when the sun sets the rays come through the clouds. I called Liz an hour before sunset if she'd like to come. I was waiting it out at home and when the sun started to set it fell quicker then expected so I grabbed my gear and Liz and raced to the spot. Wasn't completely happy with the conditions mother nature threw at us, the cloud mass in front of the sun was a bit big and too thick for my liking. Will have to give it another go on a better day.
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Here is the sunset of the same day:

And to give you and idea of what I'm on about these are the three images used to make the HDR shot above:
The sunset pic was funny. I've been waiting for a cloudy / overcast day so that when the sun sets the rays come through the clouds. I called Liz an hour before sunset if she'd like to come. I was waiting it out at home and when the sun started to set it fell quicker then expected so I grabbed my gear and Liz and raced to the spot. Wasn't completely happy with the conditions mother nature threw at us, the cloud mass in front of the sun was a bit big and too thick for my liking. Will have to give it another go on a better day.
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