Staying in Akakura the weekend before Christmas I came across this Haikyo (see my first Haikyo post here). It was actually next door to our snow lodge, separated by some neglected trees and shrubs that had been growing wildly for a number of years.
Having arrived at midnight and not being able to see much, we all speculated what it could be.. a school.. a hospital? Everyone was pretty scared to check it out. It ended up being an old abandoned hotel. Being in such a great location with the ski resort a 5 min walk up the road made me wonder why it went out of business..

Blown out windows from heavy heavy weather damage. Following the balcony around to the side, many of the rooms had there balcony doors wide open with the curtains blowing in the wind making for a really eerie sight.

Another creepy image, as you can see the building was missing parts of it's roof having suffered pretty badly from the heavy snow and wind in the Myoko area.

The row of balcony rooms.
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