This is long overdue but better really late then never lol so...Here are some pics from my trip with Harv. These are the only photos I have of the trip as all of them are at home on the home comp. I only had these ones cos they happened to still be on my SD card in my camera. Anyway, there from Kyoto which i think is one of my favorite places in Japan. It gives you a feeling of the real 'old japan' and is a good change from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo. Everything here is way more chilled out and life is more relaxed. The architecture of the old buildings and shrines are really nice too. We were also lucky to come in Autumn, which makes for some epic pics :P
We stayed at traditional Ryokan which is a type of traditional accomodation. With futons and tatami mats. Wish I could show you guys pics but there all at home.
This was a random stream we came across while walking down a footpath. Was a nice surprise to find something so natural and scenic
We also visited the Bambo groves. The path we walked along stretched for ages and we were completely surrounded by very old bamboo
Im heading back to Kyoto for 4 nights on the 22nd of March just in time for cherry blossoms! Hope to get some nice pics of Sakura!!